Here are some additional ideas to implement alongside existing airport screening methods
1 Create a buddy system. Every passenger is assigned casually a safety buddy as displayed on boarding pass,usually your nearest seat partner unless ticket booked together, it's the next one over 2 Pay screeners more and increase hiring standards. Nothing is better than a highly trained screener that was made of the right stuff to begin with. 3 Ask them. Screener straight up asks the passenger if they are going to do harm on flight while putting hand on fingerprint pad.. Silly? No, tie in response to biometric reader to measure response and screen-er watches eyes and response to questions. Additionally hands are scanned for prints with Interpol and other appropriate databases. Provide hand wipes post hand press. 4 Dogs trained to smell fear, agitation, and chemical substances to alert for additional screening allowed in screening area 5. Flight attendants are assigned in flight to speak with each passenger in a social way.Great for customer service and gets an in face read on passenger countenance 6 One or two flight attendants sit back away from flight ramp and observe passengers before they go on the plane and can order re-screening at will. 7. Chemical sensors placed inside passenger cabins every 4 feet or as needed to measure substances in air so if someone is mixing and or activating anything an alarm will go off. 8. Anytime an overhead compartment is opened in flight a camera immediately tracks passenger and movements.
Just some ideas to supplement the fine methods in place now.
I know many ideas above may or may not be practical. The main purpose is to create ideas as I know some of these may not be flushed out. That's ok as one idea can lead to another and another that actually works